Saturday, October 25, 2008

California quit being bamboozled.

People smarter than you and smarter than me have come together in different tents, studied the propositions and presented their recommendations. The one I rely on the most is the California Farm Bureau because they are concerned about property rights and law and order as am I.

Proposition 1A – High-Speed Rail Bond
Deepens the state’s bonded indebtedness by issuing $9.95 billion in bonds, to be spent mostly on a rail line connecting San Francisco and Los Angeles. No

Proposition 2 – Standards for Confining Farm Animals
Significantly limits the ability of California consumers to buy safe, fresh, affordable, locally grown eggs; sets confinement standards for egg-laying hens plus veal calves and pregnant pigs. No

Proposition 3 – Children’s Hospital Bond
Authorizes an additional $980 million in hospital bonds, even though money from a previously approved bond remains available. No

Proposition 4 – Parental Notification for Minors’ Abortions
Amends state constitution to prohibit abortions for unemancipated minors until 48 hours after a physician notifies the minors’ parents or guardians. No Position

Proposition 5 – Reduced Punishment for Drug Offenses
Expands drug diversion programs for criminals; cuts parole time for certain drug crimes; allows inmates to shorten prison sentences by participating in rehabilitation programs. No

Proposition 6 – Mandated Law Enforcement Spending
Further restricts budget flexibility by setting required spending levels for certain new and existing criminal justice programs. No

Proposition 7 – Renewable Energy
Establishes potentially unrealistic standards for generation of renewable energy; consequences could include higher electric rates and increased public purchases of private property. No

Proposition 8 – Definition of “Marriage.”
Provides that only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California. No Position

Proposition 9 – Enhanced Victims’ Rights
Expands legal rights of crime victims and the payment of restitution by criminals; restricts early release of inmates. Yes

Proposition 10 – Alternative-Fuel Vehicle and Renewable Energy Bonds
Authorizes $5 billion in bond spending; duplicates programs already available through money collected from utility ratepayers. No

Proposition 11 – Redistricting Reform
Eliminates the conflict of interest that occurs when legislators draw their own districts for safe re-election; establishes commission to draw new legislative districts. Yes


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