Thursday, January 31, 2008

You may keep your fireplace; you just can’t burn anything.

In response to the letter regarding wood smoke, printed in the Middletown Times Star in the January 11, 2008 edition, written by “Clare Brady, Middletown”.

Quote from that letter: “It sure sounds like overreaction, mud-slinging, and bullying when one gentleman (that would be me this person is referring to) writes in this newspaper about “change agents” and “subversives” when all we town folk want to breathe is fresh, not smoky air. “Clean air please” – is what this is all about – and only what it is about.

Friends, let’s face our air-pollution problem, not deny it, cover it up with misleading, non applicable statistics, innuendos, and name calling. Middletown is a great town, and we town residents just want to keep it that way.”
end quote.

So let’s see if I have this right, Clare thinks we have an air-pollution problem and that those who oppose that opinion regarding wood smoke are trying to cover up the issue with; “misleading, non applicable statistics, innuendos, and name calling”. And that I personally have participated in “overreaction, mud-slinging, and bullying”. Clare also placed in quotes, implying use in the letter by me the word “subversives”.

So, a few facts about me
…that are true so you can factor them into my response:

I have asthma that I have to treat everyday, regardless of wood smoke or car exhaust.

Second, I don’t burn wood for a heat source either primary or as an alternative and haven’t done so for at least five years.

Third, I haven’t always lived on “larger acreage outside of town”. In fact I lived in Middletown on highway 175 and Berry Street for many years.

Fourth, I too am a veteran, my father was a veteran, in fact the Wink family came to North America in 1720 and some died fighting in the revolution so I guess that qualifies me on that point.

Fifth, I never used the word “subversives”, I wrote: “If you want to learn more about the subverting of America, log onto” .

Sixth, I have studied the issue of Americans losing their individual freedoms and liberties through “consensus” for nearly four years, and those persons who initiate change, where Americans lose freedom and liberty, are commonly referred to as agents of change, or “change agents”.

Now to the real issue.

My concern is not about air-pollution but my concern is about freedom and liberty and how environmental issues, like air-pollution, are being used to limit or remove those very freedoms and liberties.

At this time in our history it is not illegal to have a wood fire for cooking, heat or general comfort but folks like Clare want to change that.

Clare states: Quote “Now, no one is trying to take away anyone’s fireplace.” end quote.

From what I can read, that appears to be a true statement; however, my experience tells me the unwritten part of that statement is: You may keep your fireplace; you just can’t burn anything.

I moved to Middletown in 1956. I grew up here, I graduated from high school here and I agree when Clare writes: “Middletown is a great town, and we town residents just want to keep it that way.” In fact, I’m sure my family and my wife’s family helped to make Middletown a “great town”. So my question to Clare is: If we agree Middletown is so great, why are you trying to change it?


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