Saturday, January 12, 2008

Don’t be a “Snitch”

I just experienced 31 hours without the convenience of electricity, as did many others. Some experienced a longer time without and some spent less time, however, 31 hours is long enough to make one think.

And I thought how much different the experience could have been for some and how different it might be in the future.

What about my electric car?

Thank goodness I don’t own one. But possibly you do or are thinking about getting one?

Range on a battery charge will vary greatly depending on such factors as battery type, use of vehicle accessories etc. But the fact remains, they depend completely on the electric grid to be operable when they need a charge and when it is down because your neighbor’s tree knocked it out there is no way to recharge your batteries. Some folks have been without the electric grid for several days and are still without electricity as I write this. Therefore, it is safe to conclude that those with EVs (electric vehicles) were/are hostage to the electric grid in more ways than just no lights.

The Matrix

Now imagine this scenario if you will, that the environmental religious movement has succeeded in passing a local ordinance to make it a violation against the environment to burn a wood fire. Imagine that today, just as they have succeeded in turning neighbor against neighbor on the issue of tobacco smoke in private homes in the past, that they too have now empowered your neighbor to turn you in for having a wood fire.

Within that scenario it would mean those who had/have lost their electric power during the storm of the first week of January 2008 and whose only alternative heating and cooking source was/is a wood fire would now have no heating or cooking source at all.

Couldn’t happen in America you say.
(Read the rest at Bill Wink .com click on “Don’t Be A Snitch”


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