Why I can’t support Barack Obama
When Barack Obama first came on the scene and was exposed to the national spotlight I thought what a terrific scenario of events was taking place in our country. Barack had captured my attention. Here was a man who seemed to have risen above those who would hold him down because of the color of his skin.
Here was a man with a background that included both black and white culture who was saying to me “it’s not the color of your skin but the content of your character” that makes you who you are. He enticed me into his broad tent of potential supporters. He had my attention.
Then I was exposed to his Pastor, Reverend Jeremiah Wright. This man, Jeremiah Wright, was so full of hatred for white America I was shocked to learn that such hatred could be espoused in a church. A holy place that is supposed to represent love and compassion and understanding. Translated; I’m white and I had no idea about the level of hatred directed toward me from a pastor of a church in Chicago when I live in California and have never met the man. But yet in his mind my family, my ancestors and I represent everything bad that has ever happened to black America.
Upon learning all of this I realized racism is not going away anytime soon if it is being preached in churches across America. It seems it is being perpetrated, fueled and inflamed every Sunday in the name of organized religion. I’m sure God does not approve.
The story is; this man, Jeremiah Wright, performed Barack Obama’s marriage ceremony, baptized Barack’s children and was the Obama’s spiritual advisor for over twenty years. So what kind of hatred for white America does Barack harbor?
I ask because I cannot accept for one second that after listening to your spiritual advisor for twenty years spew hatred directed at white America that it did not have an impact one way or another. Barack had to either agree or disagree and actions speak louder than words. Barack Obama and his family came back Sunday after Sunday and embraced Reverend Jeremiah Wright and his preaching of hatred for America and especially white America.
I give you Barack Obama’s spiritual advisor, the reason Barack Obama will not be elected President. Meet - Reverend Jeremiah Wright
Barak Obama was elected our President and we must respect him.
On a local note, a government grant (your tax dollars) has been provided to help prepare Lake County for 2030. Come to the Calpine Visitor Center on Saturday, March 14th at 10 a.m. and voice your concerns about what our priorities should be. I went to the workshop in Clear Lake a week earlier. There the No. 1 priority was Water.
If you know any nonprofit organizations in Lake County, be sure to inform them The Foundation Center will be teaching a FREE seminar on grant-writing April 15th. For details and to RSVP, visit www.squidoo.com/TMMF.
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