Friday, July 11, 2008


San Jose Mercury News
Quote: “The Bay Area Air Quality Management District will begin enforcement this winter when the weather gets cold enough to set up temperature inversions that trap smoke near the ground and trigger Spare the Air nights.

People caught with wood fires on bad air nights initially will be sent a warning letter. Repeat offenders can be issued $100 tickets, or given the option to attend a smoke education class.” End quote.

Where are all the Chicken Little’s like Bob Brown and Clare Brady crying “clean-air please”.

We’ve had more pollutants in the air from wood fires and the burning of other materials that are “known to cause cancer” this summer than the combined total lifetime smoke emitted from every chimney in Middletown, and not a peep from the chickens.

Is it because they can make a move to control your life but they know they can’t take away God’s lightening bolts?

What a joke.

Our children are breathing in more smoke from burning plastics, poison oak, oleander, rubber tires, lead paint and every synthetic known to man and yet there is no outrage. No demanding lightening started fires be outlawed. No reward for turning in nature. No threatening of sending God to “smoke school”.

If you had a wood fire in your home 365 days a year you couldn’t cause the same air pollution I’ve had to breath in just the last day.

So you see, it’s not about air pollution, it’s about control.

Control where you live, control what you eat, control what you drink, control what you drive, control where you drive, control where you go to school, control, control, control. Buckle up, don't drive and use a cell phone, wear a helmet, don't eat bacon because it will kill you, don't drink coffee because it cause's heart disease ya-da ya-da ya-da.

Gas prices sure stopped that urban sprawl huh? I told you about Agenda 21, were you listening?


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