Harbin Hot Springs listed as Communitarian Community
Middletown, CA
Harbin Hot Springs, formally Heart Consciousness Church, has been listed as a communitarian community on FIC’s website.
FIC is the acronym for: The Fellowship for Intentional Community's Non-profit Purposes, and when you look at FIC’s purposes listed on their website the first purpose is: “TO EMBRACE THE DIVERSITY THAT EXISTS AMONG COMMUNITIES and to facilitate increased interaction between communitarians and the wider culture;”…
What is a communitarian?
A communitarian is a supporter of communitarian law and communitarian law is any law that balances "Community" rights against individual rights, such as, environmental laws that now over ride certain property rights. Or any victimless crime like not wearing your seat belt or helmet. Or removing individual choice balanced against community will, such as in Belmont, CA
Communitarianism – the "softer face of communism"
… may not yet be considered a word; however, it politicizes and defines the movement toward communitarian law.
(NOTE: Trying to understand communitarianism is a huge challenge. I have just touched on the subject because it is anti-individualism and where it lives individual rights are threatened. Communitarians will always speak in favor of “the greater good” while they are taking away your liberties.)
…is what the new democracy uses to push you into serfdom under communitarian law and that too can be found listed as the means of governing at Harbin Hot Springs on FIC’s website.
Therefore Harbin
…can not be a friend of the American way of life and especially not a friend of individual liberty. However, in America it is their right to pursue the tyranny of collectivism just as it is my right to disagree and tell others.